Lessons of Lockdown Series

Anne Clark
2 min readApr 5, 2021

As we start the journey of the road map to our new normal, I thought i would create a series of ‘Lessons of Lockdown’

The first in the series explores ‘Feeling Comfortable in our own shoes’ which is an apt place to start since we are marching through these unchartered territory on our own feet.

Probably the most profound lesson throughout this last year whilst we have been in and out of lockdown was feeling content for long periods in my own company. I’ve asked many people what they have learned through this pandemic and feeling more sure of ourselves is a common theme. Our lives pre -covid were hectic and we were in constant contact with others, colleagues, friends, family and I think that the opinion of others had become where we sought our validation. Even as someone who has always been comfortable in their own company, it is certainly a deeper shift to having only your own opinions and thoughts to consider.

Initially the panic and constant presence of fear about whether we and our families would succumb to the deadly virus overtook the worry about what we looked like in our summer jumpsuit and as we slowly adjusted to the life we currently lead, with significant restrictions, the day to day worries about what folks might think of our new car or whether our jeans flatter our ass, seemed to be stuck back in the history of our old lives. And what has been borne out of this is a new contentment within ourselves.

Contentment doesn’t mean we don’t care what we look like or will enjoy a long awaited visit to the hairdresser but rather we enjoy how it makes us feel.

Contentment doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy the company of others but that we are comfortable on our own.

And contentment doesn’t mean we don’t value the opinions of others but have learned the value of our own.

Contentment within ourselves is certainly a positive by-product of Covid 19 for many people and as we tentatively stride forward out of lockdown, I hope we remain as comfortable in our shoes as we have become …..with or without a mask!

