The Time is Now

Anne Clark
2 min readMar 29, 2021

It’s good to plan, to prepare, to learn and educate ourselves but there also comes a time when we just need to get up, off our ass, and take action.

There will always be a reason why we shouldn’t start; we don’t know enough, we haven’t practised, we will look stupid, we can’t decide, we might fail but we will never know until we get up and do it.

Scientists talk about the state of ‘analysis paralysis ‘; a state of anxiety created by overloading information to the point it creates an inability to take any action. With a universe of knowledge available at our fingertips thanks to google, it becomes easy to overwhelm ourselves with information which makes us feel too inexperienced or like we can never absorb the wealth of information.

So how can we get our shit together, stop overthinking and start doing?

  1. Create a deadline, create and consequence or reward for meeting the deadline.
  2. Break your goal down into small achievable steps but take those little steps consistently aka the one percent effect. It creates the habit of doing without feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Anchor the action onto an existing habit. Ideally something you do on autopilot, e.g.make a cuppa after work, and immediately after, head out for a walk round the block. Always do it in that sequence and it becomes an anchored habit where your brain doesn’t have a chance to overthink it.

So stop talking and see what action you can take NOW that brings you one step closer to where you want to be.

